Brock Burlando on location captured on film

Brock Burlando on location captured on film

Brock Burlando

About me


Hi, my name is Brock Burlando. I am a film and Digital Photographic Artist in the Seattle area. I love and am deeply passionate about using my film cameras to create my art and using them in the documentation of our lives.

Yes, that is right I did say film. Film is not dead. The art I am most proud of represents the wonderful moments our God has given us. Moments of beauty found in the landscapes and the special little moment that make for huge memories in our lives. I feel life is short and I want to capture it by soaking it all up in beautiful images. Images that will preserve it for those we love.

I often get asked why I still use film. let me start off by saying that I am not averse to using my digital cameras, I will use digital photography often were the strength of it will out shine the strengths or I should say the short comings of film, but I must say I do prefer film. I prefer it because the way film creates a nostalgic feeling to the images, images of the moments in time we cannot get back. I love the way it slows me down, the way it forces me to make sure everything is right in the frame before I take the shot. I also love how each frame is deferent then the previous one. That it isn’t just one of a multitude of photos that are captured in a row on a hard drive, photos you will never see or cherish again. but most of all I love how it allows me to be more present with God and his beautiful creation, more present with my family when they are the subjects of my art. And more present with you, my clients.

Bottom line I love using my creativity and unique artistic eye to create photos that attempt to do justice to what God has already created. I also love to capture people/events at their best. I would be honored if you would consider ether using me as your photographer or investing in some of the art that I have here on my web page.

Thank you for looking and for taking the time to get to know me.


Brock Burlando

My beautiful lovely family

My beautiful lovely family